Memory remains...

In August 2009 an extremely interesting collection of the materials, connected with the life and work of a teacher from Polotsk and a local lore expert- Stepan Antonovich Klokov-appeared in the stocks of НPSMRLL. The collection the information about the Honored teacher of the BSSR started last year. The workers of the museum of local lore met Stepan Antonovich’s relatives and former colleagues. In February of 2009 several meetings with the pupils from Polotsk schools were organized and carried out to celebrate the centenary of S.A.Klokov’s birthday. Stepan Antonovich Klokov had been working as the headmaster of Polotsk school № 3 for almost 20 years - from 1952 to 1969 - and was respected by his pupils and colleagues. At this school he established the study of local lore, connected with collecting the information about the heroes of Polotsk region - Vladimir Azin and Yakov Kulnev. Klokov dedicated his research study «The Genius of Russian Military Art - Kulnev Yakov Petrovich» to the hero of the Civil War of 1812. Now this book and other materials are held in the stocks of the reserve.

The collection, given to the stocks, consists of 78 items. Among them there are manuscripts, documents, photos, books with the ancient inscriptions, newspapers with the articles by the teacher and expert on ancient history, some personal belongings. The workers of the museum express their gratitude to S.A.Klokov’s relatives for their assistance in collecting of these materials.